This book aims to introduce you to ten individuals who may seem familiar in some way, yet you may not truly know them. In a peculiar manner, they are a reflection of yourself, although not entirely. These ten individuals play a significant role in influencing and shaping the crucial choices you make in life. However, it is highly likely that you are completely unaware of their impact. They are known as the Ten Types of Human. Who exactly are they? What purpose do they serve? How did they manage to infiltrate your mind? We often like to believe that there are certain actions we would never take, while there are others we would always choose. But can we truly be certain? Do we possess any boundaries? The answers lie within the Ten Types of Human: the personas we embody when confronted with life's most challenging decisions. Yet, who or what exactly are these types? 

Where do they originate from? How did they manage to infiltrate our minds? The Ten Types of Human is an innovative exploration of human nature. It delves into the depths of both the best and worst aspects of human behavior, seeking to understand why. This groundbreaking examination pushes the boundaries of the human experience, unearthing the...

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