Here are three eye-opening statistics on time management and productivity:

1. 88% of working people procrastinate daily.
2. The average worker spends 51% of every workday on low to no-value tasks.
3. Only 20% of people feel their work is under control daily.

Now, the question is how to be more productive? Here are a few takeaways from the book "Mind Management, Not Time Management":

1. Perspective shift: Being productive today isn't about time management, it's about mind management. Time management optimizes the resource of time, while mind management optimizes the resource of creative energy.

2. First Hour Rules: Spend the first hour of your day working on your most important project. By starting your day with the most important task, you minimize the chances of other things getting in the way.

3. Creative tasks versus analytical tasks: Recognize when your mind is better-suited for creative thinking and when it is better-suited for analytical thinking. Complete creative tasks when your mind is in a creative state, and complete analytical tasks when your mind is better-suited for analysis.

4. Sleep: Increasing your average daily sleep by one hour has a greater impact on productivity than a one-year increase in education.

5. Energy leakage: Randomly switching from one activity to another causes your energy to leak. If you constantly engage in this behavior, a significant portion of your energy is wasted instead of being directed towards task completion.

6. Noise: The level of noise can affect your ability to think creatively. Studies suggest that a background noise level of around seventy decibels is optimal for idea generation.

7. State of mind: The difficulty lies not in the act of creating, but in putting ourselves in the right state of mind to create. Therefore, it is important to put your mind into a state of focus and completion when working on tasks.
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