It can often feel disheartened no matter how much effort we put into practicing something, there always seems to be someone who excels at it just a little bit than us. This frustration can have a significant impact on our attitude towards various aspects of our lives. But have you ever wondered why we feel this way in the first place?

 One common flaw that all humans share is our tendency to strive for ideals that are simply unattainable. We all have an image in our minds of what a perfect life should look like, which makes our own lives seem inadequate in comparison. Some of us desire a better job, more friends, or even a different appearance.

 It should come as no surprise that these high expectations are often fueled by mass media and marketing. Just think about all the flawless, wealthy individuals that are showcased in magazines and advertisements. Almost every product marketed to us Today is designed to make us believe that our lives will be incomplete without them.

 However, It's important to note that high expectations aren't entirely negative. They can serve as inspiration to work hard and achieve more. Unfortunately, we often use these ideals as mere benchmarks for comparison. We compare our performance to those of our colleagues in the workplace, and we constantly compare our appearances to those we see on the street.

 Furthermore, our engagement with these ideals presents another problem. Instead of working towards a single goal and finding satisfaction upon achieving it, we continuously raise our expectations as we accomplish more. This means that our ideals keep moving further away from us, and we find ourselves constantly striving for goals that we no longer value once we attain them.

 In essence, the feeling of never being good enough creates a constant state of anxiety for all of us. But what if we don't want to live in a perpetual state? of anxiety? Well, it's time to make some changes. Discover more in the the following sections.

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