The Gladonus system stands apart from any other, boasting a unique composition of extraordinary beings. Within its boundaries reside legendary Creatures, all-powerful deities, ancient beings lost to time, secluded First Bloods, and the esteemed Guardian of the Core. The system serves as the lifeblood of all existence, for if it were to falter, the entire universe would cease to be. Thus, it falls upon the Guardian to safeguard the system at any cost. However, his tenure is drawing to a close, necessitating the initiation of trials to select his successor.

Hydro Paen, a proud and capable prince, yearns to claim the mantle of the Guardian and prove his worthiness to those who have doubted him due to his lineage. Guided by his uncle, orphan Eirek Mourse reluctantly joins the Trials, simply hoping to survive the arduous challenges and unaware of how he was even chosen in the first place.

Meanwhile, Zain Berrese, a strategic mind overshadowed by his stepbrother's achievements, seeks to demonstrate his ability to overcome a haunted past and surpass his rivals. Little do these participants know that the Trials will pit them against equally cunning, talented, and driven adversaries. They are unaware that the trials will push them to unimaginable limits, potentially altering their very identities and risking their lives.

With their lives and identities hanging in the balance, will one of these aspiring heroes discover the inner strength and wisdom needed to emerge as a champion and impress the Guardian before the system collapses?

For fans of Game of Thrones, Hunger Games, and Eragon, this captivating sci-fantasy tale offers a perfect blend of intrigue and adventure. Purchase your copy today and immerse yourself in the gripping Trials that await!

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