What are the benefits for me? A guide to navigating the modern world.

Consider the way life was for our ancestors in the past.

In this untamed wilderness, food was always scarce. Danger lurked at every corner. The weather could change in an instant. A predator could be hiding in the grass. Everywhere, there were threats and obstacles. A single wrong decision or moment of inattention could mean game over. Failing to pay attention to reality here meant, at best, getting injured and, at worst, facing death. The human brain evolved to keep us alive in this environment. It became a tool, a tool for navigating a treacherous reality - the reality of hunting, gathering, and avoiding the jaws of saber-toothed tigers.

Now, let's fast-forward to today. There is an abundance of food on our tables. We live in cities, protected from the elements. The saber-toothed tigers are long gone. However, we still possess the same tool in our minds - a brain that evolved over thousands of years to help us navigate a reality that we can only imagine now.

Unlike our ancestors, we have the luxury to indulge in fantasies and daydreams. We can let our guard down, and our environment is unlikely to harm us. Today, the main threats we face are interpersonal and psychological, posed by other people rather than predators.

These dangers are more subtle than the ones our ancestors faced. It is even possible to ignore them, to pretend they do not exist. In other words, it is possible to detach from reality and become naive. However, these dangers are very much present, and disregarding them can have serious consequences.

The purpose of these insights is to bring you closer to the reality we currently inhabit.

So, let us delve into it and take a brief journey through "The Daily Laws" by Robert Greene.

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