Experience the captivating and thrilling world of romance with this sizzling series by renowned author Rene Webb!

In the first installment, "A Kidnapped College Student," embarks on a heart-pounding journey as a young student studying abroad finds herself in a harrowing situation. After being drugged, kidnapped, and imprisoned in a Hong Kong brothel, her desperate attempts to escape prove futile. With time running out, she realizes that her innocence is on the verge of being sold to the highest bidder.

In the second installment, "A Billionaire CEO," prepares to be swept away by an unexpected twist. The billionaire CEO's plans to meet an investor at the luxury brothel take an unforeseen turn when he comes face to face with Lily. Despite recognizing her instantly, he soon discovers that she has no memory of him. With only one night to claim her and rescue her from her captors, he must win her trust and save her from her dire circumstances.

Will this one night be enough for him to prove his love, gain her trust, and ultimately rescue her? Dive into this enthralling series and find out.

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