Author Toni Cabell's book, "Lady Tanglewood," published in 2021, tells the story of Nari, who is aware of the rumors surrounding Arrowood. The place is known for forbidden magic, illegal crossbreeding, and strange howls in the night. Despite this, Nari is on her way to Arrowood to marry the clan chief's handsome son.


As Nari rides towards her new home, she is preoccupied with thoughts of the upcoming wedding. The rites of binding must be perfect, and every detail of the ceremony must demonstrate unity between the two rival clans. Nari, from Tanglewood, is marrying Mordahn from Arrowood.


Suddenly, Nari hears the sound of horses' hooves pounding the trail up ahead. She is surprised to see her fiancé riding out to greet her, here in this isolated stretch of road, wearing chainmail and bearing arms. What could be the reason for his strange behavior?

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